Super Mario Run: Events and Content Updates 24 June 2023.Master Detective Archives: Rain Code – All the character voice videos 24 June 2023.Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: all QR codes, Serial codes, distributions, events.PokéNews (November 26): Pokémon Sword and Shield / Pokémon anime series.Hidden Ability Oranguru and Passimian – Available via Pokémon Bank.Enigma Berry, aMicle Berry, Custap Berry,Jaboca Berry Rowap Berry – Available via Mystery Gift (from January 8th).Enigma Berry, aMicle Berry, Custap Berry,Jaboca Berry Rowap Berry – Available via Mystery Gift (from January 7th).Special Aerodactyl – Available to anyone who attend the event.

Birthday Pokémon (Pikachu, Eevee, or Comfey) – Available at Pokémon Center stores on your birthday August 16th to August 18th Ash Greninja (+ other bonuses) – Can be transferred from the special demo to the full game.

Pokémon Sun and Moon – Distributions No end date Speak to the delivery person in any Pokémon Center to pick up your content.Select Get with Code/Password, then Yes, and then Yes again to connect to the internet.Fennel’s Munna – Serial Code available from the Pokémon Global Link Ho-Oh (Sun) or Lugia (Moon) – Serial Code available from participating stores (end date is November 26th for Canada Manaphy, Meloetta, Hoopa – Serial Code available by purchasing various bits of merchandise, from December 1st Solrock and Lunator: OYAJI30YEARS (end date unknown) Hat Pikachu distribution to go along the latest Pokémon movie Since most/all of those can only be used once, we cannot list the codes themselves, with the only exception being those for special distributions. Magearna: available from the Pokémon TV app (can only be scanned after beating the Elite 4) (thanks Serebii) The QR codes are region-locked, so you can only use those from your region! Distribution QR CodesĪs mentioned above, those allow you to immediately get a Pokémon (generally via a special event in-game), instead of simply adding it to your Pokédex.

The distribution QR codes allow you to immediately get a Pokémon, but can only be used after reaching a certain point in the game and are region-locked. The Pokédex QR codes allows you to automatically mark a Pokémon as seen in your Pokédex. There are actually two kinds of codes, and they do not work the same way. Pokémon Sun and Moon introduces a brand new feature: QR codes. Looking for Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon QR Codes, Serial Codes, distributions, and events? Click here! Pokémon Sun and Moon – QR codes NB: Don’t forget to download the latest update if you want to keep using the online features: click here for more details. Latest update: Fennel’s Munna Serial Code (worldwide) On this page, you will find the complete list of QR codes, Serial codes, events, and more for Pokémon Sun and Moon!